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Workplace Violence - The Silent Killer in the Office | 80:20 Conflict Management Strategies

Dec 10, 2022

A look at the silent epidemic of workplace violence and how to protect your employees.

It’s hard to talk about workplace violence, but it’s an important conversation to have. Despite the fact that workplace violence is a real and growing phenomenon, it remains a largely silent killer that has gone unnoticed in many offices across the country. This blog post will explore why workplace violence is such a serious issue and what steps employers can take to ensure their employees are safe.

What Is Workplace Violence?

Workplace violence is any physical or verbal threat of aggression or harm directed at an employee, supervisor, customer, vendor, or other person on company property. It can take many forms from physical abuse and sexual harassment to verbal threats and cyberbullying. Unfortunately, workplace violence has become increasingly common in today's society as technology advances and more people are working remotely. In fact, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), there were 2,790 fatal workplace injuries in 2019 alone—the highest number since 2007.

Why Is Workplace Violence Such a Problem?

The problem with workplace violence is that it can often go unnoticed until it is too late. This is particularly true when it comes to psychological abuse like bullying or intimidation. When these behaviors are left unchecked they can lead to increased stress levels among employees which can result in decreased productivity and even physical injury if left unresolved for too long. Additionally, victims of workplace violence may be reluctant to report their experiences due to fear of retaliation from their perpetrator or a lack of trust in the reporting process itself. As such, employers must be proactive about addressing any potential signs of aggression before they escalate into something more dangerous for everyone involved.


How Can Employers Prevent Workplace Violence?

The first step employers should take towards preventing workplace violence is creating policies that clearly define what constitutes inappropriate behavior and outlining consequences for breaking those rules. Additionally, employers should provide regular training sessions on identifying signs of aggression so that employees feel comfortable coming forward if they experience any kind of abuse while at work. Finally, employers should create open lines of communication so that all issues can be addressed quickly and efficiently before they spiral out of control and put everyone at risk.

Workplace violence is a growing problem across all industries but it doesn't have to be this way if employers take proactive measures against it. By taking steps towards establishing clear policies against aggressive behavior and providing regular training sessions on identifying signs of aggression early on, employers can help keep their workplaces safe for everyone involved while also fostering healthy communication between staff members and supervisors alike. With these strategies in place, companies can ensure their employees feel supported in the case of any kind of incident involving workplace violence without sacrificing productivity or morale within the office environment.

The good news is that there are steps we can take to make our workplaces safe again. If you’re concerned about the security of your employees, contact us today for a free consultation. We have experts who can help you create a workplace violence prevention plan that will keep your workers safe and secure.


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